Crisis Intervention Training is Now Available to Local Police  

Crisis Intervention Training is Now Available to Local Police  

On March 2nd team members from Makin’ It Happen joined State Police Major Russell Conte (Ret.) and representatives from the Suicide Prevention Council for a presentation on Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) developed for first responders. Major Conte is a 33-year...
Youth Voice at Risk of Being Silenced: A Statement from Makin’ It Happen Executive Director Mary Forsythe-Taber

Youth Voice at Risk of Being Silenced: A Statement from Makin’ It Happen Executive Director Mary Forsythe-Taber

Tomorrow a hearing will be held in the New Hampshire Senate’s Educational Committee on HB 1639. This bill aims to make the Youth Risk Behavioral Survey (YRBS) an opt-in survey rather than opt out.  It has already passed in the New Hampshire House of...