Congratulations to our partner Emily Daniels from Here THIS Now who was just awarded a contract with the New Hampshire Department of Education! The DOE will partner with her...
Dignity Action Day
February 1st is Dignity Action Day. Traditionally this day is recognized in the United Kingdom but Makinβ It Happen wanted to bring it across the Atlantic because of the...
Never too Late to Join in on #DryJanuary!
There is still time to kick 2022 off with a #DryJanuary. Feel better, sleep better, and improve your overall health by taking some time off from drinking. #DryJanuary is a...
FREE At Home COVID-19 Tests Now Available to Order from Federal Government
The federal government launched and is accepting orders for FREE tests! Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-β home COVID-β 19 tests. The...
Celebrate the Season Safely: National Impaired Driving Month & National Bartender Day
December is a month full of celebrations that include alcohol. Christmas Eve and New Yearβs Eve are also among the most dangerous days of this celebratory...
Keep Safe on Thanksgiving Eve
The National Department of Transportation reports that buzzed driving is prevalent over Thanksgiving due in part to cultural phenomena like βBlackout Wednesdayβ.Β Blackout...
*New Video* Makin’ Prevention Happen at Our Red Ribbon Kick-Off Event
Makin' It Happen was proud to co-host the 2021 Red Ribbon Kick-Off Event this year! Substance misuse prevention professionals from across the state of New Hampshire gatheredΒ in...
Congratulations Mary on Receiving a Commendation from Governor Sununu!
We got some exciting news yesterday!!! Mary Forsythe-Taber, the Chief Visionary of Makinβ It Happen,Β receivedΒ a commendation from Governor...
Drug-Free is Up To Me: Virtual Youth Summit Happening November 23rd!
The New Hampshire Virtual Drug-Free is Up to MeVirtual Youth Summit is a FREE in-school event designed to educate middle and high school students about the dangers of substance...
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