Suicide Prevention Week 2021: Garrett Lee Smith Grant Brings Suicide Prevention Training Across the State

by | Sep 8, 2021 | Makin ’It Happen Together, Prevention, Resiliency Essentials, They Made It Happen | 0 comments

NAMI NH is managing a five-year federal-focused suicide prevention grant. The Garrett Lee Smith grant is state-wide with a focus on three regions including Capital Region, Carrol County, and the North Country in NH for youth 24 and under. NAMI New Hampshire is a grassroots organization working to improve the lives of all people affected by mental illness and suicide through support, education, and advocacy. This is the fourth Garrett Lee Smith that NAMI NH has managed on behalf of the state. 

For more information about the Garrett Lee Smith visit 

To learn more about the New Hampshire Suicide Prevention Council visit State Suicide Prevention Council | Bureau of Community Health Services | New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (