Did you make it to our 4th empowerYOU! Learning Series on February 20th? In case you opted to stay OUTdoors and enjoy an unseasonably warm day last Tuesday (77 degrees in the City!), here’s what you missed:
Anna Thomas, MPH, Deputy Public Health Director from the Manchester Health Department, engaged the audience with an outstanding presentation, “Building Community Resilience.” If you haven’t had the opportunity to hear Anna present, we highly recommend you do! In the meantime, here are Ten Things We Hope You Learned and Ten Things You Can Do to Build Community Resilience right away.
Thank you the Manchester Health Department and especially our guest speaker, Anna Thomas, for taking part in this Series. Put 3/20 on your calendars: speakers from NH Harm Reduction Coalition will lead a community discussion about Overdose Prevention and Response.
What can YOU do about the addiction epidemic in New Hampshire? Take part in Makin’ It Happen’s empowerYOU! Learning Series. We are all impacted in some way. Ready to be empowered?
This series is open to the community. No cost. No need to register, just come.