Thank You Pedaling for Prevention!

by | Jul 1, 2020 | Makin ’It Happen Together

On Sunday, June 28th, 2020 Mike Mariani and Devin McLauglin aka Pedaling for Prevention came to Massabesic Lake to speak about their journey to raise awarenesses and funds for suicide prevention.  Thus far Mike and Devin have held around 5 meet and greets along the way as well as raised over $18,000 for suicide prevention agency the Samaritans.

Makin’ It Happen was happy to welcome these young people to Manchester with some special signs.  This was the last stop on their New England journey!  

They have plans in the works to take a trip next summer. So stay tuned for details! Please be sure to follow them on social media:

You can also make a donation to them via and or by mailing check or money to Pedaling For Prevention, c/o Savings Bank of Walpole, PO Box 744, Keene, N.H., 03431. Visit:

We are so grateful that these young people are working so diligently to raise awareness of suicide prevention in New Hampshire and beyond!