Yesterday, Makin’ It Happen had the opportunity to present a photo collage to the Manchester School District and Manchester Proud for their new Family Welcome Center! The canvas featured pictures captured at CelebratED in which participating students can be shown holding their school logo, showcasing pride for their schools. With over 150 photos, the collage is a representation of the community’s dedication to supporting young people’s learning and the youth’s excitement in displaying their esteem for their education.
The Family Welcome Center is located at the French Hall in Manchester and acts as a year-round facility for school district operations! To exempify its name, the Welcome Center displays various artworks and architecture that demonstrates a commitment to ensuring all who enter its doors are greeted with tranquility and home.

Thank you to the Manchester School District and Manchester Proud for continuing to organize events and opportunities for the community to share in celebrating our youth’s education. Be sure to look for your photo during your visit to the Family Welcome Center!