Makin’ It Happen travels to Dover, NH

by | Jul 18, 2024 | Featured, Prevention | 0 comments

In early July, two dedicated team members from Makin’ It Happen’s Community Impact Focus Area, Tracy and Ashley, attended the Dover Youth 2 Youth’s Adult Advisor Training in Dover, NH. This event brought together passionate youth advisors from across the country, all united by a common goal: to learn how to build and energize youth groups focused on Substance Use Prevention. 

During this impactful week, Tracy and Ashley had the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals, sharing insights and strategies for effective youth engagement. The training sessions were rich with information, providing practical tools and techniques to foster a proactive and informed youth community.  

During the week, Dover Y2Y’s youth track was simultaneously in progress. The adult advisors had the opportunity to test out their new skills and watch them in action. They watched the youth track learn presentation skills, completing activities with the groups on how to present in front of an audience. They followed the youth through planning and completing a rally and press conference on their campaign, “A Dealer Is Not a Doctor”, talking about the harmful effects of fentanyl-laced pills. (You can learn more about this campaign rally at WMUR’s blog: The advisors even followed their youth group to local daycares and summer camps as they presented ‘Samantha Skunk’, a story on Over The Counter Medicine Safety (for ages 3-4), and the Dangers of Smoking (ages 5-6). 

Makin’ It Happen is fortunate to have access to continuous education opportunities in various focus areas. The team extends their thanks to Dover Youth 2 Youth for hosting such an amazing and enriching week. Tracy and Ashley are now equipped with enhanced strategies to motivate and guide young individuals, helping them to become leaders and advocates for change. They are committed to leveraging their new knowledge to help create impactful programs that engage and empower youth in the fight against substance use.