Our second meeting of young adults was filled with laughs, brainstorming, inspiration, connections … and left us with a lot to think about as we move our Committee forward.
With Pappy’s Pizza’s, the comfort of SNHU’s Sandbox Collaborative’s open space, and a great mix of Manchester’s young adults … creativity flowed. Though this meeting had an agenda, the concensus of the room was that we needed to back up. We wanted to attract more young people to coming and sharing thoughts in a unique way — “Young Adult Advisory Committee” just didn’t feel representative to this dynamic, casual, open-sharing forum.
The group brainstormed a lot of different names and taglines (or, um, #hashtags) to better reflect our mission and grow our base of advocating for the ability of young adults to thrive in the Greater Manchester Region.
Teaser outcome from 2/20 meeting: New working title of group is:
The Young Adult Movement
“Empowering the young adult voice”
Like it?! Hate it?! Please weigh in and join us at our March meeting, 3/20, 6-7pm, location to be determined. THERE WILL BE FOOD!