Congratulations to Emma Fuller on graduating from Manchester Memorial High School!!!! Emma has been a dedicated member of empowerYOUTH! since her days in middle school. We are so proud of Emma and are excited to see what her future holds! We will be cheering her on her next adventure. Here is an interview we did with Emma about her time as a member of empowerYOUTH! and future. Thank you, Emma, for all of your contributions.
What made you take part in empowerYOUTH!?
It started back in I think 6th or 7th grade when all my friends decided to join so I was kinda like ok this could be fun and I’ve just stuck with it since.
What has been your best experience or favorite memory as an empowerYOUTH! member?
One of the most fun times for me was when we did our youth summit in I think 2019. It was so much fun and cool to hear from others our age from all around.
Would you recommend empowerYOUTH! to your younger peers?
Yes 100%. The connections you make with the people you work with are for forever.
What are your imparting words of wisdom?
Put in the work because you will get the best and most worthwhile results.
How do you wish to be remembered by the work that you did- your legacy?
I just hope we’ve made a lasting impact on our community in bringing awareness to mental health and addiction.
What are your plans past high school?
I plan to study health sciences at the University of New Hampshire and would ultimately like to become an Athletic Trainer or a Physical Therapist.
Is there a memory you can share with us of another empowerYOUTH! member that makes you happy to remember either because it was funny, inspirational, etc..?
Honestly every podcast episode we recorded was so much fun. There were many times at events like baseball games or youth summits where we shared uncontrollable laughs that I will never forget.
Congratulations Emma! It took a lot of hard work to reach this goal. You had to show up every day, whether you felt like it or not. We hope you feel great about what you have accomplished! Keep shining bright!