Today the President of the United States is visiting Manchester, NH. Our teens are spreading prevention in the Greater Manchester region and they want President Trump to hear about their efforts. That’s why they’ve taken to twitter to ask for 5 minutes of his time while he is in town! NH youth are passionate and empowered. They are fighting addiction in NH. What’s happening in our state isn’t new and isn’t going away fast. We need long term sustainable solutions. The good news is we know what works! Prevention that works is comprehensive, culturally competent and across the lifespan. It includes education, policy, enforcement, community supports and access to healthcare including behavioral health. Prevention means healthy places to live, work, grow and play. It’s bigger than any one program, but working together we can increase protective factors. Together we can implement solutions with multiple strategies across multiple sectors and help fortify our communities. Join us! #SupportPreventionNH @MakinitHappenGM @empoweryouth603
Check out NH teens letter to the President: