There is still time to kick 2022 off with a #DryJanuary. Feel better, sleep better, and improve your overall health by taking some time off from drinking. #DryJanuary is a movement across New Hampshire, the US, and beyond that was created to encourage people to take a break and abstain from drinking alcohol throughout the month of January.
According to Harvard Medical School “heavier drinking and long-term drinking can increase physical and mental problems, especially among older adults. Heart and liver damage, a higher cancer risk, a weakened immune system, memory issues, and mood disorders are common issues”.
Some tips for success:
- Find a non-alcoholic drink to enjoy such as a mocktail or yummy seltzer
- Keep alcohol out of the house and bring your own drinks to social events
- Keep yourself busy with activites that do not involve alcohol such as reading, cross country skiing, knitting etc..
- Find support to ensure your sucess. Letting your loved one know about your plans and asking for their support can increase your success
If you want to cut down on your alcohol intake or begin the new year with a clean slate #DryJanuary is for you! It is never too late to start!